21st International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry

Conference from June 8 to 13
School from June 4 to 6
Mexico City, 2025


Dear colleagues,

The School of Sciences and the Physics Institute of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) are thrilled to host the Twenty-first International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry (SSD21) to be held in Mexico City, Mexico on June 8-13, 2025, and invite you to be part of this important event.

This Conference is a series that began in 1965 and occurs every three years in different countries of the world (USA, Denmark, Poland, Brazil, France, Canada, UK, Austria, Hungary, Spain, Greece, The Netherlands, Australia, Germany, Japan, Italy) where significant works in the solid-state dosimetry field have been performed. Individuals and organizations generally host it under the auspices of the International Solid State Dosimetry Organization (ISSDO). The main objective is to bring together national and international experts as well as students to present the latest advances in the field and discuss new challenges.

Guerda Massillon-JL PhD, Chairperson


Dra. Guerda Massillon-JL

Conference Center
Instituto de Física.
Circuito de la Investigación Científica Ciudad Universitaria CP. 04510, CDMX, México.
Teléfono: +52(55)56-22-50-00
Contacto: ssd21@fisica.unam.mx

Conference Center
Facultad de Ciencias.
Circuito Exterior, Ciudad Universitaria CP. 04510, CDMX, México.
Teléfono: +52(55)56-22-50-00
Contacto: ssd21@fisica.unam.mx



Chiyoda Technol Corporation (CTC) was established in 1958. With over 65 years of history, CTC has been actively developing its business in all fields related to radiation protection and has been supporting the assurance of public health and safety. CTC provides personal exposure control services using RPL Glass Badges (GB) and currently monitors over 300,000 radiation workers in Japan each month using GB. CTC offers services and products through 25 sales offices throughout Japan, providing guidance and support to customers to help them meet radiation protection guidelines and safety targets. CTC also supplies RPL glass dosimetry systems and neutron dosimetry systems using CR-39 solid state track detector technology to customers worldwide.





EURADOS Young Scientist Conference Support (YSCS) 2025

EURADOS (European Radiation Dosimetry Group: https://eurados.sckcen.be/) has decided to support young scientists' participation in the 21st International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry. Participants can apply for the EURADOS Young Scientist Conference Support 2025 (YSCS). The YSCS will consist of a contribution of up to 500 € covering either the conference fee and/or the travel and/or the subsistence costs, up to the applicant’s choice and following the EURADOS reimbursement rules. More information can be found on the website: https://eurados.sckcen.be/en/news-overview/eurados-young-scientist-conference-support-yscs-2025


We are very happy to let you know that the web page for abstracts submission will be open today december 3 at 18:00 until Thursday december 5 at 10:00 Mexico City time. Do not miss this opportunity!

In Memoriam

Vale Helen Khoury,

It is with great sadness that ISSDO notes the passing of Professor Helen Khoury.

Helen was one of the most important members of the Solid State Dosimetry community. She was chairperson of our organisation from 2019 to 2023 and steered ISSDO through the COVID pandemic. Helen was full professor at Federal University of Pernambuco in Recife, Brazil, and her academic and scientific contributions to the field of dosimetry, nuclear science and radiation protection have ongoing international impact.

Helen was a member of the ICRP task group 108 on Optimisation of Radiological Protection in Digital Radiography, Fluoroscopy, and CT in Medical Imaging. In 2013 Professor Khoury organised and chaired the 17th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry in Recife and in November 2024 still organised the Reprolam Symposium in Recife for the Network for Optimization of Occupational Radiological Protection in Latin America and the Caribbean, a network that she also coordinated.

Helen was a fantastic colleague full of enthusiasm and ideas and a dedicated teacher and leader. The ISSDO community remembers her with great fondness. Professor Helen Khoury will be missed.

Ramona Gaza, José Maria Gómez-Ros, Eduardo Yukihara and Tomas Kron

on behalf of ISSDO